Makovecz-Routes – 1. booklet

1000 Ft

First region: Budapest and the Danube-bend

Bilingual publication: Hungarian and English


The network of “Makovecz routes” and the related website have been created to assist the exploration of the built heritage of Imre Makovecz.

First region: Budapest and the Danube-bend

While Imre Makovecz was born in Budapest, lived there and worked there until his passing, he had no significant public building there. He has some buildings in Budapest but those are not the most significant elements in his oeuvre. He designed many private homes in the city, but organized visits are not possible and therefore these buildings are not shown in the recommended routes.
The location of the buildings does not describe a clear path: we only recommend an order in which they could be visited. We also make recommendations on shorter route variants.
Visiting all Makovecz buildings in Budapest may be a one-day programme (version 1). In addition to the buildings in Budapest, the trip can be expanded to Solymár, Pilisszántó and Piliscsaba (version 2), or even Visegrád (version 3). If you wish to visit all Makovecz buildings in the region, follow route version 4. Naturally, you are welcome to create your individual route by selecting buildings of your choice.
Each location is accessible with public transport, though driving seems to be the most convenient option. A pertinent quote from Imre Makovecz at the time when the Visegrád buildings were constructed:
“Our houses recall ancient, often gloomy atmospheres. You hear the chatting of long gone people from the walls, the cupolas cover us with the sky, plaster motifs of dispersed ethnic groups become spatial structures, ancestors expelled from our conscious mind are eager to voice their wish – all to help us build what belongs here in our belief and vision, something that is credibly ours. Here, in
the place of a one-time Scythian and Celtic empire, a unique light is shining through the ground, the inner light of the motherland, the midnight sun, the sun of a spirit confined below the ground. The light of this sun transforms our houses into strange beings between Sky and Earth. They are part of a meta-nature that is the continuation of nature itself.”


Weight 0,15 kg
Dimensions 23,5 × 16,5 × 0,5 cm





978 963 12 8340 2