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Northwest Hungary

Similarly to the northern region, this route features buildings from the 1960s to the 2000s. Felcsút is home to a veritable cluster of organic buildings. It is important to note that although these buildings are commonly referred to as Makovecz houses, only the “Castle refurbishment and extension” project was designed by Imre Makovecz. The other structures were designed by his students, on assignment received from the master.

The story of the Benedictine Grammar School’s Chapel in Győr is quite special: Imre Makovecz was greatly influenced by Wim Wenders’ legendary film about angels invisibly present among us. It was one of his buildings here where the motif of angels watching us from above first appeared, to be used again on the church in Csíkszereda later.

It cannot be a mere coincidence that one day a fax message landed unexpectedly in the Makona office.

It read: To Prof. Makovecz from the bottom of my heart… I hope to meet you in person one day. Wim Wenders, 20.01.1998, under the Regensburg sky. Wenders took to his pen aboard a Malév flight, after seeing photos of Makovecz buildings in the on-board magazine, to greet his unknown companion in the fascination with angels. They never met in person.
