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Atlantis drawings

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Atlantis drawings

“I don’t know whether what has been forgotten is any different from what has not yet come. Seeing the plant that grew out of the ground and being aware of the limits of my capabilities, I have to say: it is impossible. Life is impossible. Yet I have to admit it is possible, and I pretend I haven’t noticed anything, I do what I am doing, say I put more wood on the fire, I feel that it is hot, and I see the flames. I know it is fire, it flares and the smoke, the flame and the steam all mix. Bubbles pop, the fire hisses, I can see it, but I don’t know what fire itself is. I pretend I know what I’m doing, the doorbell rings, I go to answer the door, M. comes in, I go and see what she has brought.

This is how I live and this is how I’m going to die. Am I happy or miserable? Did I come from a dark world and now I am blinded by the light, or have I been made a prisoner and can’t see my world? Is all that could be around me forgotten, or has it not yet come? Or is all that is forgotten here, in the self that has not yet come to existence? Have I been forgotten, and so I don’t know whether I can be remembered, or whether I can be remembered by someone who has not yet come?

A seed contains every particle of the future tree. The mature tree will drop its seed, in which… So, when you look at a flower you say it is beautiful, but you do not say that it is impossible. It is impossible that invisible life arranges itself into symmetry, transforms inorganic matter, and grows by metamorphosis after metamorphosis. The temples of ancient Egypt are attempts to make the stone pillar become a lotus, and to make the huge stone block of a man-animal jump up when the sun rises. What confused remembrance is embodied in the budding and unfolding lotus headed colonnade? Where does the road lead to, watched over by stone animals from the two sides for thousands of years? What is the purpose of our dormant capabilities whereby we can sense past events, future encounters or the “atmosphere” of places, whereby we can hear the non-acoustic silence on the hidden hill of Kongälv?

We do not know whether what has been forgotten is any different from what has not yet come. What is it that closes off from us, like an invisible wall, the world, the era where we heard or will hear what we do not hear today, where we  understand and see what we have understood and seen, or will understand and see? If we stand on the shore of the Atlantic, why do we think that there should be a green island to the West, surrounded by light? Why people in the 15th century were so inclined to go westwards, to the sea from the Atlantic countries and to Hungary from Turkey?

Towers and boulders rise to the sky from the sea and from the invisible radiating points of land. Living life is formed from the stones and it leaps upwards. The sky wants to unite with the earth. This fierce attraction, expressing that whatever is above is also below, and whatever is below is also above, definitely strives to take effect.”

Manuscript by Imre Makovecz

Exhibition concept and implementation: Imre Makovecz Foundation
Associates: Lilla Berta, Zsuzsanna Gácsi, Enikő Harmath-Gyetvay, Gábor Kampis
Translation: Zoltán Farkas
Graphics: Tamás Fodor

Compilation of the exhibition material is in progress.

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