Editor: Götz Eszter
Graphics: Makovecz Benjamin
Publisher: Magyar Építőművészek Szövetsége
“Makovecz Imre’s chronicler, helper, analyst, admirer, translator, and companion on his travels abroad. And not only for him, but the same was true for
the “organics” as well. In all respects. Analyzes, studies, writings, essays, articles, catalogs and exhibitions, conferences and books, and books and books. And now we have finally managed to publish this collection entitled “Healing Architecture” in the edition of MÉSZ (despite all the postponements).
Edited by Götz Eszter, according to the design of Makovecz Benjamin. The subtitle of the book: Selected writings of Gerle János (1947-2012).
The writings are as fresh as when he published them. I believe that it is not only for professionals.
Because this is another attractive feature of János’s writings. In addition to precision – because that is mandatory – it was at least as important
that what he wrote was legible. His writings are understandable and exciting.” – Recommended by Sáros László György DLA