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child cat ID:133
post ID:24648

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2005-2011 Budapest University of Technology, organic architecture

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2005-2011 Budapest University of Technology, organic architecture

It was professor Antal Lázár, dean of the Budapest University of Technology at the time who invited Imre Makovecz to teach organic architecture at that university. The invitation was intended to resolve the incomprehensible and intolerable situation that the world-renowned master had no educational role at the university. The course offered lectures and practical sessions for 2 credit points per week. Imre Makovecz captured the essence of the course as “broadening authenticity and horizons”.

The teaching ran for eight years and each course spanned three semesters. In the first semester, different worldviews were presented to students, covering architectural trends that emerged from the intellectual movements of the turn of the 19th and 20th century, also covering secession, the Goetheanum, megalithic culture, Wright Taliesin and landscape building. The second semester was devoted to preparation for the summer building camp. Lectures were delivered about building projects at Visegrád and Alsace. In the third semester, the work of the Károly Kós Association was presented along with the role of a chief architect.

In relation to the lectures, students were required to fulfil 2-3 minor tasks per semester.

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