Section 4 – The Foundation’s objective
The Foundation’s objective: To find, collect and process for scientific and professional use the architectural design and intellectual heritage of Imre Makovecz, including copyrighted materials and other works (designs, writings, sound recordings, etc.) that form part of that heritage, and to preserve his oeuvre. In this context, the Foundation intends to assist with identifying and authenticating works that are part of Makovecz’s oeuvre, differentiating these from works that are believed to be of Makovecz but in fact are not. Another goal of the Foundation is to catalogue and register buildings designed by Imre Makovecz, be they located in Hungary or elsewhere, as part of Hungary’s cultural heritage, and have them covered by local or national architectural heritage. Further, the Foundation intends to provide assistance to preserving these buildings in their original condition.
Another objective of the Foundation is to support scientific research and analysis of Makovecz’s oeuvre, and to support the training and education of young, talented architects, granting them scholarships and assistance with their studies.
Activities of public benefit to be pursued by the Foundation are as follows using the categories set out in point c) of Article 26 in Act CLVI of 1997 on Public Benefit Organizations:
3. scientific activities, research;
4. education and instruction, development of skills, dissemination of general knowledge;
5. cultural activities;
6. preservation of cultural heritage.