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Play-school, Makó

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Play-school, Makó

Delivered for use in 2011, the Búza street day nursery in Makó was one of the last design assignments of Imre Makovecz. The Municipality of Makó intended to build an institution for the city’s youngest dwellers, a building that not only fulfils its functional purpose but also provides an intellectually sophisticated environment. The building is a U-shaped, single storey structure, with a layout resembling that of traditional mansions in the region. It has a pitched roof, with only the characteristic shapes of cupolas emerging from it here and there. The typical gate posts of the fence resemble the design patterns of the Hagymatikum Bath and Spa. The clarity and transparency of the building’s design, the well-lit spaces of the cupola-roofed playrooms and the use of natural materials create a sense of coziness and comforting harmony that is so important for children.

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