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Conference at the Vigadó’s Makovecz Hall

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Conference at the Vigadó’s Makovecz Hall

A memorial conference will be held on 23 November to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Imre Makovecz’s birth. Titled “Understanding may lead to respect, to pride and to complete inclusion”, the event will be organized jointly by the Hungarian Academy of Arts and the Imre Makovecz Foundation.


Unveiling of an Imre Makovecz bust (sculptor: Márta Csikai), and a relief of

Dr. Flórián Kováts (sculptor: Róza Pató).

The international impact and appreciation of Imre Makovecz’s work

Presenters: Martin Drahovsky (Slovakia), Markku Komonen (Finland) and Jonathan Glancey (United Kingdom)

Current status of the design of the Church of Saint Michael; implementation opportunities

Presenters: Ervin Nagy (Hungary), Kelf Treuner (Germany) and Jordi Bonet (Spain, Catalonia)

Piano performance: Gábor Monostori

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