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Photo reports of Events

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Photo reports of Events

The intellectual heritage of Imre Makovecz on the Holy Land

Lecture by antiquity researcher prof. dr. Győző Vörös The scholarship holder of Imre Makovecz’s Corvin chain (2002-2005) is to deliver a presentation on the Hungarian Academy of Arts’ ongoing archeologic monument exploration and restoration projects in the Holy Land that were initiated by Imre Malovecz. After the presentation, Győző Vörös and his colleagues will discuss…

Between Sky and Earth 2 – IV. lecture

Lajos Ambrus, writer, editor “My father’s short remarks are imprinted in my memory as prevailing moods and have been influential in my life. His sentences were about the starry sky, about a rural landscape, a tree or about how much he enjoyed eating curd with fresh bread when he was a child… These memories inspired…

Presentations about Makovecz construction projects VII.

This series of presentations is delivered by architects who prepared the designs for buildings refurbished or constructed under the so-called Makovecz Government Decree Capital Investment Project. The presentations will showcase the original Makovecz designs along with the newly prepared ones and the engineering solutions applied. The events are intended for those interested in architecture. Short…

Ferenc Sebő concert

Join us for a beautiful folk music concert of award-winning composer, singer, multi-instrumentalist and band leader Ferenc Sebő, the doyen of the Hungarian folk music scene. A renowned researcher and professor of folk music, Ferenc Sebő is was one of the founders of Hungary’s “folk music and dance house” movement. He plays the hurdy gurdy,…

Between Sky and Earth 2 – III. lecture

Ágnes Herczeg, landscape architect “My father’s short remarks are imprinted in my memory as prevailing moods and have been influential in my life. His sentences were about the starry sky, about a rural landscape, a tree or about how much he enjoyed eating curd with fresh bread when he was a child… These memories inspired…

Living thoughts

Owing to overwhelming public interest, we will repeat our Night of Reading 2019 event, entailing a joint exhibition, special offers and extended business hours at the Vince Bookstore, organized by the store and the Imre Makovecz Foundation. Starting at 18:30, Ybl Prize-winning architect Lőrinc Csernyus, a former student of Imre Makovecz will present about the…

Presentations about Makovecz construction projects VI

This series of presentations is delivered by architects who prepared the designs for buildings refurbished or constructed under the so-called Makovecz Government Decree Capital Investment Project. The presentations will showcase the original Makovecz designs along with the newly prepared ones and the engineering solutions applied. The events are intended for those interested in architecture! Short…

Seven Towers Festival 2019 – Press conference

The festival program will be announced at a combined exhibition opening ceremony and press conference. The world music and folk music programs offered by the Seven Towers Festival are towering above any similar event, featuring 70 artists, 11 exhibitions, 17 concerts, a conference, roundtable discussions, dance house and light painting. The events will take place…

Idővonal (Timeline) – concert

Musical performance by Csaba Vedres and Miklós Heinczinger This musical project of Csaba Vedres (former member of After Crying) and Mika Heinczinger (Misztrál) is a journey across various musical styles, mixing up elements of jazz, folk music, classical music and pop, aiming to track the ups and downs of the soul.

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